Rick at the Castle

Rick at the Castle
Dreams DO come true!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Inspired by Liz

So....Liz keeps the world up to date on the 'things of Liz' with her Daily Life blog. I so enjoy reading it, and I so desire to do the same, that it encourages me to drag out my 3 year old blog and re-vamp it now and again, only to go months without touching it once more. I justify the erratic posts with "It's something I'll do when I retire". But wait...Liz isn't retired. She has a husband and school and work and hobbies...yet she finds the time to put thoughts on screen. So why not I. Therefore, as random as ever...here I am.

The current event, other than the 'usual' (husband, homeschooling, kids, church, sports,) is kitchen remodeling. And though I'm no expert, I can certainly chronicle my adventure so as to help others who find themselves on the same journey, or just look back years from now (when the kitchen is done) and read how it all came about! So, thank you Liz, for inspiring your 'old' friend to do something 'out there'. Whether it be enjoyed by others or not, it's nice to be published!